The A.I. Lab. was founded in 1995. The A.I. Lab is under the department of computer engineering at Dongguk University in Seoul, Korea and mainly conducting researches on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
The A.I. Lab. was founded in 1995. The A.I. Lab is under the department of computer engineering at Dongguk University in Seoul, Korea and mainly conducting researches on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
The A.I. Lab. is carrying out various governmental and industry-academy collaboration projects related to the fields of the Deep learning, Big Data Analysis and Chatbot. In this session, you can find the information about our recent research projects.
The A.I. Lab. continuously publishes research papers on the entire range of Artificial Intelligence. In recent years, research on Deep Learning, Big Data Analysis, Chatbot has been actively carried out by all the Lab. member advised Professor Juntae Kim.
The advisor of A.I. Lab. is professor Juntae Kim. Currently, thirteen ph.D and Master course students are conducting research according to the guidance of the professor. Many graduates are active in industry and academia. in this section, you can find more information about members in A.I. Lab.
A.I. Lab. seminar have been done in order every week. Each week, one speaker presents a research topic on the subject he is studying. Seminar topics are freely chosen in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. In this section you can find a brief summary of the seminar.
Please check the information on the e-class system for students taking upper classes.
Artificail Intelligence Lab.